Conference Presentation
Kim J., Choi M., Chang D. Concept of intercontinental liquid hydrogen supply chain: Technical feasibility of liquid hydrogen transfer and vaporization in import terminals, Global Conference on Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, 2024.
김정욱, 장대준. ASME Section VIII Division 2의 Design-by-Analysis 기반 비정형 압력용기 설계 및 실험적 검증에 관한 연구, 대한기계학회 플랜트부문 춘계학술대회, 2023
Kim J., Vu H.T.T., Kim S., Choi M., Lee E., Chang D. Design of Transportable Liquid Hydrogen Terminals for Green Hydrogen Import, KAIST- SJTU-UTokyo Joint Symposium, 2023.
김정욱, 최민수, 정원관, 장대준. 해상풍력 기반 액체수소 공급체인 개념설계 및 경제성평가, 한국해양과학기술협의회 공동학술대회, 2022
Kim J., Park H., Jung W., Chang D. Operation scenario-based design methodology for large-scale storage systems of liquid hydrogen import terminal, 한국해양과학기술협의회 공동학술대회, 2022
Kim J., Choi M., Jung W., Chang D. Concept design of offshore wind energy based liquid hydrogen supply chain, Asia-Pacific Forum on Renewable Energy, 2021.
Jung, Wongwan, Jeong, Jinyeong, Chang, Daejun, "Design of Renewables-Battery Combined Energy System for Energy Isolated Island", International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, 2019.06.20., USA
제상현, 김주원, 박현준, 장대준, "해양시추장비 통합 운용제어시스템에 대한 SPICE 기반의 Software quality assurance 적용 = Application of software quality assurance to integrated offshore drilling control system based on SPICE", 대한기계학회 플랜트부문 2019년도 춘계학술강연회, 대한민국, 2019.05.24.
김정욱, 박현준, 장대준, "대륙간 수소경제를 연결하는 대형 액체수소 운반선박의 도전과제 및 해결방안", 대한기계학회 플랜트부문 2019년도 춘계학술강연회, 대한민국, 2019.05.24.
김정욱, 박현준, 장대준, "대륙간 수소경제를 연결하는 대형 액체수소 운반선박의 도전과제 및 해결방안 = Challenges for Large-Scale Liquid Hydrogen Tanker Connecting Intercontinental Hydrogen Economies", 2019년 한국수소및신에너지학회 춘계학술대회, 대한민국, 2019.05.09.
박현준, 장대준, "EEDI Phase III 이상을 위한 Molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) 기반의 선박 내 이산화탄소 포집 시스템", 2018년도 한국해양공학회 추계학술대회, 대한민국, 2018.11.16.
Chang, Daejun, Je, Sang Hyun, Kim, Juwon, "Liquid air as an energy carrier: Application to LNG cold energy distribution in cold storage system", UT-SJTU-KAIST Joint symposium, 2018.09.22., Japan
Lee, Sanghyuk, Chang, Daejun, "Experimental study on pressure behavior in BOG spray recondenser", UT-SJTU-KAIST Joint symposium, 2018.09.22., Japan
Kim, Juwon, Chang, Daejun, "Pressurized cryogenic air energy storage for efficiency improvement of liquid air energy storage", 10th International Conference on Applied Energy, 2018.08.25., Hongkong
조맹익, 장대준, 이상혁, 안주하, 김효식, "비평형 열물질전달 상관식 기반 BOG Recondenser 설계기술 개발", 2018년 춘계 해양플랜트 설계연구회, 대한민국, 2018.06.01.
이재민, 장대준, 서현덕, 정현, "대형 용접 구조물에 적합한 효율적인 용접 해석 기법 개발", 2018년 춘계 해양플랜트 설계연구회, 대한민국, 2018.06.01.
이재민, 장대준, 서현덕, 정현, "대형 용접 구조물에 적합한 효율적인 용접 해석 기법 개발", 2018년 춘계 해양플랜트 설계연구회, 대한민국, 2018.06.01.
안준건, 장대준, "불확실성을 고려한 공정위험 및 운전분석 기법", 2017년도 한국해양공학회 추계학술대회, 대한민국, 2017.10.20.
You, Hwalong, Chang, Daejun, Ahn, Junkeon, Jeong, Sangkwon, "Effect of Ortho-Para Conversion on Economics of Liquid Hydrogen Tanker with Pressure Cargo Tanks", International Conference on Ships and Offshore Structures 2017, 2017.09.13, China
Jeong, Jin-yeong, Chang, Daejun, "Design and Evaluation of an LNG-LH2 Hybrid Propulsion System for an LNG Carrier Complying with Regulations on Emissions", The 4th U.Tokyo-SJTU-KAIST Joint Academic Symposium, 2017.09.04, South Korea
Lee, Seong-yeob, Chang, Daejun, "Reliability-based design of pile-guided floater for an offshore LNG bunkering terminal", The 4th U.Tokyo-SJTU-KAIST Joint Academic Symposium, 2017.09.04, South Korea
You, Hwalong, Chang, Daejun, Ahn, Junkeon, Jeong, Sangkwon, "Effect of Ortho-Para Conversion on Economics of Liquid Hydrogen Tanker with Pressure Cargo Tank", The 4th U.Tokyo-SJTU-KAIST Joint Academic Symposium, 2017.09.04, South Korea
You, Hwalong, Chang, Daejun, Ahn, Junkeon, Jo, Choong Hee, Bergan, Pål, "A Prismatic Pressure Vessel with Lattice Structure and Applications in LNG Field", The 27th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, 2017.06.28, USA.
Jeong, Jin-yeong, Chang, Daejun, Seo, Suwon, "Design and Evaluation of LNG-Hydrogen Hybrid Propulsion System for LNG Carrier", The 27th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, 2017.06.27, USA
Lee, Seong-yeob, Chang, Daejun, Jo, Choonghee, "An approach to determine component reliabilities of pile-guided floater based on economic evaluation", European Safety and Reliability Conference 2017, 2017.06.21, Slovenia
Lee, Sanghyuk, Chang, Daejun, Seo, Youngkyun, "Techno-economic analysis of acid gas removal and liquefaction for pressurized LNG", ICGSCE 2017 (International conference on global sustainability and chemical engineering), 2017.02.16, Malaysia
Seo, Young Kyun, Chang, Daejun, Huh, C, "Availability Estimation of Ship-based Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Chain for Korea CCS Demonstration Project", OMAE 2016, 2016.06.22, Korea
Kim, Jakyung, Chang, Daejun, Seo, Yutaek, "Challenges for Under-inhibition Strategies for Offshore Gas Fields with Low Production Rates Using OLGA", OMAE 2016, 2016.06.22, Korea
Kim, Juwon, Seo, Youngkyun, Lee, Sanghyuk, Chang, Daejun, "Economic evaluation of small-scale LNG production system for shale gas recovery considering life cycle cost with availability", European Safety and Reliability Conference 2015, 2015.09.08, Switz
Seo, Su Won, Han, Sang Heon, Chang, Dae Jun, "Development of pump-free boosting system and its application to LNG supply for large ocean going ships", International Confenence on Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, 2015.07.22, France
Chang, Daejun, Huh, Cheol, Seo, Youngkyun, "Estimation of Chain Availability for Korean Ship-Based CCS", The 5th Korea International CCS Conference, 2015.02.11, Korea
You, Hwalong, Seo, Youngkyun, Huh, Cheol, Chang, Daejun, "CO2 injection system with cold energy recovery", GHGT-12, 2014.10.08, USA
Lee, Seong-yeob, Jo, Choong Hee, Bergan, Paal G., Pettersen, Bjornar, Chang, Daejun, "Economic evaluation of a composite truss structure to support piles for a huge offshore installation based on cross-sectional optimization", 7th International Conference on Thin-Walled Structures, 2014.09.30, Korea
Lee, Seong-yeob, Chang, Dae-Jun, Jo, Choong Hee, Pål Bergan, Bjørnar Pettersen, "Determination of design load for a pile-guide system for large floating installations considering life-cycle cost and probabilistic load distribution", European Safety and Reliability Conference 2014, 2014.09.18, Poland
Chu, Bongsik, Chang, Daejun, "A Study of Deterination of the Design Accidental Fire Load based on the Quantitative Fire Risk Assessent with the Treatent of Uncertainty", European Safety and Reliability Conference 2014, 2014.09.18, Poland
Seo, Youngkyun, You, Hwalong, Huh, Cheol, Chang, Daejun, "Economic Evaluation of CO2 Liquefaction Processes for Ship-based Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Chain", The 24th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, 2014.06.19, Korea
You, Hwalong, Seo, Youngkyun, Huh, Cheol, Chang, Daejun, "CO2 injection system with CO2 cold energy recovery", The 24th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, 2014.06.18, Korea
Seo, Youngkyun, You, Hwalong, Huh, Cheol, Chang, Daejun, "Economic Evaluation of CO2 Liquefaction Processes for Ship-based Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Chain", Korea CCS International Conference, 2014.02.26, Korea
You, Hwalong, Seo, Youngkyun, Huh, Cheol, Chang, Daejun, "CO2 injection system with CO2 cold energy recovery", Korea CCS International Conference, 2014.02.24, Korea
Seo, Yu Taek, Chang, Daejun, Shin, Kyuchul, Kim, Juneyoung, "Heterogeneous Segregation and Deposition of Gas Hydrate Particles from Continuous Oil Phase at Low Water Cut", 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2013.11.05, USA
Choi, Inhwan, Seo, Yutaek, Chang, Daejun, Chang, Kwangpil, "Study on production availability for new subsea production systems based on a large-scale seabed storage tank", 22nd European Safety and Reliability Conference 2013, 2013.10.02, Netherlands
Choi, Inhwan, Seo, Yutaek, Chang, Daejun, Chang, Kwangpil, "Study on production availability for new subsea production systems based on a large-scale seabed storage tank", 22nd European Safety and Reliability Conference 2013, 2013.10.02, Netherlands
Lee, Yeseol, Chang, Daejun, Han, Sangheon, Ryu, MC, "Analysis of operational availability and blowout frequency for offshore drilling system", 22nd European Safety and Reliability Conference 2013, 2013.10.01, Netherlands
Seo, Youngkyun, Chang, Daejun, "Estimation of chain production availability for Korean ship-based CCS", 22nd European Safety and Reliability Conference 2013, 2013.10.01, Netherlands
Chu, Bongsik, Chang, Daejun, "A study of the treatment of uncertainty in the Quantitative Fire Risk Assessment of offshore installations", 22nd European Safety and Reliability Conference 2013, 2013.09.30, Netherlands
Noh, Yeelyong, Chang, Daejun, "Combining dynamic process simulation and Monte Carlo simulation for risk-based design", European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2013, 2013.09.30, Netherlands
Choi, Inhwan, Seo, Yutaek, Chang, Daejun, Chang, Kwangpil, "Production availability for new subsea production systems with seabed storage tanks", The 2013 International Conference on Ocean Systems Engineering, 2013.09.08, Korea
Kim, Juneyoung, Choi, Inhwan, Park, Suyoul, Chang, Daejun, Seo, Yu Taek, "MEG Optimization Strategy Using Under-Inhibition to Prevent Hydrate Blockage in Offshore Long Distance Tie-Backs", 23rd International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, 2013.07.02, USA
Choi, Younseok, Chang, Daejun, "Development of Pressure Vessel Design Process Using Optimization and Structural Reliability Method", 11th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability, 2013.06.16, USA
Kim, Juneyoung, Choi, Younseok, Choi, Inhwan, Kim, Jakyung, Park, Suyoul, Seo, Yu Taek, Chang, Daejun, Chang, Kwangpil, "Flow assurance study for a subsea production system with a large-scale seabed storage", International Petroleum Technology Conference 2013, 2013.03.28, China
Park, Su-youl, Kim, Juneyoung, Choi, Inhwan, Chang, Daejun, Seo, Yu Taek, Shin, Jooyoung, Kang, Seong-Pil, "Performance evaluation of kinetic hydrate inhibitors for well fluids experiencing hydrate formation", International Petroleum Technology Conference 2013, 2013.03.27, China
Younseok Choi, Daejun Chang, "Systematic Hazard Identification of Subsea Production System", ICSOT 2012, 2012.05.23~24, Busan, Korea
Youngkyun Seo, Daejun Chang, "Study on Production Reliability of LNG-FPSO", ICSOT 2012, 2012. 05.23~24. Busan, Korea
Daejun Chang,"LNG Fuelled Propulsion of big Carriers –. a shared technology with FLNG", 7th FLNG Asia Pacific Summit, 2011. 11. 16. Seoul, Korea
Youngkyun Seo, Kihoung Kim, Daejun Chang,“Design and Economic Evaluation Of CO₂ Liquefaction Processes”,ESREL 2011,2011.09.18.~09.22, Troyes, France
Junkeon Ahn, Jeongmin Kwak & Daejun Chang, "Optimal redundancy strategy for an automatic docking system between two ships", ESREL 2011,2011.9.22.-27. Troyes, France
Jiheon Ryu and Daejun Chang, "Effect of excessive BOG during LNG bunkering operation", ASEM 11+, International conference of Ocean Systems Engineering,2011.9.19. Seoul, Korea
Suwon seo,Daejun Chang,"A pump-free pressure boosting and vaporization system for LNG fuel gas supply", ASEM 11+, International conference of Ocean Systems Engineering, 2011. 09. 19. Seoul, Korea
Yeelyong Noh, Sungtae Yoon, Daejun Chang,"A Concept Design of Offshore LNG Bunkering Terminal and Effect of Generated BOG during Terminal Operation", ASEM 11+, International conference of Ocean Systems Engineering,2011.9.19 Seoul, Korea
Younseok Choi, Deajun Chang, Paal Bergan, "Research of offshore intermediate storage and injection facilities for efficient CO2 offshore storage", ASEM 11+, International conference of Ocean Systems Engineering, 2011.09.19 Seoul, Korea
Bongsik Chu, Kyung-Won Yang, Daejun Chang,"Controlled Cargo Handling with Piston Fluid for Pressurized Liquid CO2 Carrier",10th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT 10), 2010. 09. 21. Amsterdam, Holland
Younseok Choi, Daejun Chang,"Comparison of Three Concepts for Offshore CO2 Temporary Storage and Injection Facilities",10th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT 10),2010.09.19-23 Amsterdam, Holland
Kiil Nam, Kwangpil Chang, Samheon Jeong & Daejun Chang, "An Analysis of Power Generation Systems for FLNG Based on Availability and Economic Evaluation,” LNG-Tech Asia Pacific 2009, Kuala Lumpur, June 22 – 23, 2009.